The Summation

I was asked to “summarize” my life and interests. So I decided to do it here. Enjoy.


Origin story


Tinker Bell. Now, always, forever.


International Relations


At a practice of the “Children’s Games” in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. It doesn’t get more surreal than this, I can tell you. 


Soviet lyfe


My incorrigible fascination with the Former Soviet Union led me to live, for a time, in Warsaw. The above snapshot is from a weekend’s soujourn to Kiev. 


Drug policy activism

cortemos las alas al narcotrafico

American drug policies have abetted a dire state of human rights throughout Latin America. So I worked with the Mexican mothers and fathers of the murdered and dissappeared to make their voices heard across the United States.


Caravana por la Paz


Las madres.


And then I moved to Brooklyn


Where my home life could be summed up thusly. Not pictured: work as a grantwriter for non-profit organizations. 


First Swedish mushroom picking adventure


Moved to Göteborg with my significant otter. The joy has been ceaseless.


Crunching copy for the Scandinavian scene

Screen Shot 2016-04-25 at 8.15.09 AMMy primary pursuit these days. 


In addition to keeping the whacky Tinker Bell energy alive.


By making crowns.



Or, rather, the beginning.

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